Tuesday 11 July 2017

Assessment Categories -Context


While a concept presentation may place the building into a distinctly different context, (Dante's inferno for example), this act allows the reader to re-interpret a meaning for/of the purpose/intent/expectation of the design.

Context is assessed in a number of ways.

  1. @ pre-design stage; research, (data gathering and analysis) provides clear and accurate information for the designer to consider and proceed with an appropriate design response and project direction, (line of enquiry). [Audience: In house, co-workers, design team, (potentially client or lawyer).]
  2. @ concept design stage, context is a basis for the design response. How the designer responds to context establishes a conceptual and/or programmatic framework for further development. As indicated above, the physical context in which the site is situated, may not be immediately obvious, or more implied rather than inherently literal. [Audience: Client, Marketing, Peers.]
  3. @ design development stage; (pre town planning). Context becomes concrete. Materials selection and existing fabric are accurately represented to clarify any doubt or ambiguity for contractual/ legal approval. [Audience: Client, Consultants, Co-workers].