Tuesday 28 April 2015

WD General Feedback

I'm half way through grading the WD projects, and I am beginning to see how easy it would be to have a melt-down and lay waste.
So rather than repeat myself ad-nauseum on every feedback sheet I am going to post here some typical comments. (all without expletives).
  • The titleblock is formatted incorrectly, missing revision/ issue number.
  • General notes are not complete or missing entirely.
  • Site Plan
    • Remember
      • CONTEXT
      • SERVICES
    • The site plans are far from complete, which is always an issue, given they are the first sheet we do and see. It does not bode well for the rest of the set, if the first sheet assessed is incomplete.
    • All the elements on the WD checklists need to be reviewed and incorporated into the drawings.
    • Structural grids not set out.
    • NO ADJOINING BUILDINGS indicated on ANY drawings.
  • Floor Plan
    • Missing dimensions for some windows and doors
    • Saw cut joints and panel joints not shown. 
    • A lack of notation
    • Some walls not hatched
    • Weird formatting on call outs
  • Elevations
    • Ground line not resolved.
    • Backlining a mess.
    • Discrepancies with the building form from front to side elevations.
    • lack of dimensions
    • lack of notation.
  • Details.
    • No structural grids shown
    • lack of dimensions
    • generic notation
    • poor lineweight
    • oddly scaled hatching
  • Generally
    • Incorrect labelling of drawings
    • Poor formatting choices.
    • Sheets submitted not landscape.
    • No evidence of timesheets
    • Only 6 people showed me mark up sets.
    • Project not complete.
      • Given the extraordinary time we had for this project, AND the time you had in construction to iron out any misunderstandings, or confusion, I am quite stunned at the cad speed many people displayed in class. (Glacial). I am also concerned that the hours of homework being done across all subjects is a fraction of what I think needs to be done to pass this year. (but this needs verifying with time sheets.)
  • Sections
    • Incomplete
  • Additional
    • Timesheets: I will be asking for these from now on weekly. for WD and Design.
    • Mark up sets need to be produced earlier and used regularly each week.

Monday 27 April 2015

Grades and Grading

Okay, so everyone just needs to chill a little.
Nobody likes getting a bad grade.
But it is important that all sides remain calm and objective.
Design is graded by using a rubric, which I, Nick and Nadine have all agreed to. The work has also been moderated, prior to the release of the grades.
I have posted feedback onto the blackboard site. If you require any additional explanation on it, feel free to ask.

WD is also graded to a rubric.
Rubrics are good as they maintain a level of consistency and transparency.
I have started grading WD this evening and will formerly release those grades AFTER moderation with the other WD teachers.
Only initial concern, I have 11 submissions on Bb, and there are 15 students in the class.

Friday 24 April 2015

For next week

  1. Complete the 3D Precinct model. Simple block massing.
  2. Write a reflective paragraph on your sense of what RMIT building design is like. Spaces, conditions, the atmosphere of studying in building 94.
    1. After experiencing RMIT, Building 8,16,80,94, 100; the pixel building and Melbourne Design School, what atmosphere do you hope to achieve with your building design proposal.
  3. As I type this my legs still have not forgiven me for the 4hours+ of walking that I led yesterday. 

Monday 20 April 2015

WD Confusion. Salvator vs Epping

Apologies over the confusion surrounding the tilt panel project.
The assessment task is as stated on Blackboard.

WD Uploads

For the WD Submissions.
Post 1 copy to Blackboard
Post copy 2 into 'T' Drive located at T:/Student/secure...

Thursday 16 April 2015


Apologies for the garbled way the class started.
Results from the previous project are being worked on now.
Again it is really important to get started on this one as quickly as possible.

In groups, start modelling the Site.
For the next class, bring a camera so we can start looking for typological elements that can be used as a feeder to the design concept.
Also take a look online at the references mentioned above.

Monday 13 April 2015

WD Project Task

This is what is needed for WD.
Image from class notes

Notes for above:
The mark up set should be printed @1:1, not reduced.
There should be evidence that a correct 'workflow' has been used.

Time Sheets are beneficial for ma AND you. Get into the habit of doing them.

Job files are not digital padding, they are used to give the builder a precise understanding of your design intent. A material or element selected by you may have a specific method or sequence required to be used correctly in your project.
Don't just give generic abbreviations, research the elements you intend to use.