Friday 9 November 2018

Christmas Reading #1.1

To Infinity and beyond!
Whether you're in my studio or not in 2019. Please remember I always have an open door policy to all who want to show/ share their work and thoughts with me.
Here is a list, (that will grow), of books and resources I can recommend for those quieter times over the break.
The Australian Ugliness by Robin Boyd is a text I'd like everyone thinking of undertaking my 2019 studio to read prior to the start of classes.
Also look at the following...

  • The Fundamentals of Architecture: Lorraine Farrelly
  • The Poetics of Space (Read as far as you can). Gaston Bachelard

Just for fun, get yourselves a 2nd hand copy of The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. It's an absolute cracking read full of larger than life archetypes. Where the Architect is literally seen as superman. Lots more to talk about with this one. 

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