Thursday 30 July 2015

Tuesday 28 July 2015


A shout out to all last year's students that did not see out the History lectures.
They are currently running in Building 94 Level 1 6:00pm on Tuesday Nights. If you missed last year's through indifference, here is a chance to catch them now.
They are insightful, thought provoking and a welcome reminder how important it is for design to understand its past.

Monday 27 July 2015

WD02 Wk.4

Basic Screen grab from class notes.
Take out message: RESEARCH
materials: colour code or synthesise base materials, list suppliers and manufacturers.
construction method: determine spans, sizes, construction sequence.
standard details -detail magazine, Swanston Street Library, built examples in Melbourne

Friday 24 July 2015

Comm Design Review Week 1

Week 1

Is all about forming groups and getting the logistics sorted as to:

  • who is doing what?
  • where that information is stored,
  • and how it is shared.
  • Pre-Design Research
    • Physical
    • Materials
    • Building Types
    • Building Forms
    • Topology
  • Planning
    • Regulatory Constraints 
    • Planning Overlays
    • History Recent and Past
    • BAL
    • BCA: Basic Classification check and routine planning considerations for a public building
    • Australian Standards relating to:
      • Extension and geometry of the off-street carparking
      • Disabled Access Code
  • Design
    • Kinder and Child Care Regs
    • Men's Shed Movement
Probably best if the information is tabulated or in a spreadsheet, and I recommend the google apps suite, as it is collaborative and easy to distribute.
Have the data ready week 1 so the designing/ brainstorming can be good to go start of week 2.
I don't see any value in a group presentation of the pre-design data, but I do want to review the groups individually to see what has been collated. So have it stored/ formatted in a meaningful manner.

Thursday 9 July 2015

Arch 5192 Manage Office Admin

Please note.
The start date for this course has been postponed to July 23rd 8:30am.
I will be sending an email to everyone to confirm this also.