Wednesday 1 March 2017

Concept Mapping Exercise

Step 1 & 2

1. Create a 'mind cloud' an unfettered word association from which to draw numerous conceptual 'seeds'
a) do not spend long at each node. (total time about 45mins.)
b) do not try to reverse engineer an outcome.
c) adjectives use can apply to building descriptions or maybe not.
d) draw on your knowledge of architectural history.
e) bring in conclusions and ideas from the precedent study.
e) draw on subjects you are passionate about, and that may inform you design position.
f) the map should be by definition, uniquely personal.
Take a break
2. Combine these constituent bits into a collective grouping/ some contradictory bits may 'virally' enter the mix to mutate later on...
a) with lines, colours, proximity
b) write and begin sketching or image collating 3 or 4 options.

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