Friday 8 May 2015

Design Week 3

  1. Continue work on modifications of room space arrangements. (paper), as per feedback/ discussion from studio. (from some of the illogical positioning of spaces on plan, there appeared little evidence of bubble diagram combinations being tested).
  2. Put plans into Revit. Excluding external walls.
    1. Levels 7,8 and 9 to be added to your block/ building 94 model.
  3. Print out the 4 elevation views of the model.
  4. Print out 1 or 2 axonometric views of the model.
    1. The axonometric view, is to get a sense of the massing of the building, to get a sense of the voids and circulation you are planning.
  5. Overlay paper on print outs.
    1. Draw / develop some elevational studies with a focus on massing, composition and materials. For presentation, next studio.
This is a famous image by the Swiss/ French Architect Le Corbusier; 'Dom-ino' (Domus Innovation) (1914) Imagine tracing an exterior shape, building, form over this image. That is what you will be doing with your Revit model.

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