Monday 25 May 2015

Preliminary Design Submission.

This is an outline of what is required for this Thursday's presentation.
It is indicative only, and should not be considered a checklist.
  • Bio/ front page
    • (2A Dark Grey/ 2C Dark Red)
    • Photo
    • Your narrative +5 years
    • Project Design Response, Architecture (Learning) Building
  • Plans
  • Sections 
  • Elevations
  • 3D views
  • Location Drawing
  • Site Analysis
  • Materials Selection
  • BCA checks
    • Distance of paths of travel to exits.
  • Presentation: A5 Portrait colour physical print.
    • Bring blu-tac or magnets for pin up!
  • PDF presentation in class. (Save the file as a "reduced pdf" )
Remember CONTEXT, design projects are always grounded by the existing conditions. Isolated projects/ graphics are less convincing. The presentation should not be like a WD and you need to balance the limits of the generating software, with some sense of ambiguity.

The project is about conveying a design concept. (also google architectural diagrams for style cues.)
Earlier student examples are on my issuu site

The design project makes manifest a range of other subjects, (courses) within the program.

  • Construction: Structure
  • Codes and Standards
  • Materials
  • ESD
While there is not explicit reference to these subjects, their information is inherent in the design process.

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