Friday 9 November 2018

Be prompt

Balloting about to happen folks.
Get in early.

Christmas Reading #1.1

To Infinity and beyond!
Whether you're in my studio or not in 2019. Please remember I always have an open door policy to all who want to show/ share their work and thoughts with me.
Here is a list, (that will grow), of books and resources I can recommend for those quieter times over the break.
The Australian Ugliness by Robin Boyd is a text I'd like everyone thinking of undertaking my 2019 studio to read prior to the start of classes.
Also look at the following...

  • The Fundamentals of Architecture: Lorraine Farrelly
  • The Poetics of Space (Read as far as you can). Gaston Bachelard

Just for fun, get yourselves a 2nd hand copy of The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. It's an absolute cracking read full of larger than life archetypes. Where the Architect is literally seen as superman. Lots more to talk about with this one. 

Tuesday 6 November 2018

Millgrove Presentations.

It was a really hard call to leave students out from the client presentations.
Everyone from my studio that missed out, had many elements that were meritorious and were worthy for inclusion. But as I am the one organising this, I could not load it with all of the presentations.
However, if it is some consolation, the client has also been shared into the google drive with all the pdf's and videos, so even if you are not presenting directly, they will have seen the work you all put in.

Thursday 1 November 2018

Here's a thought

Be preemptive.q

Anyone who wants to be in my 2019 Design Studio could send an expression of interest email to Catherine requesting a place in lieu of no ballot being undertaken before reenrollment for 3rd year.

Just a thought.

Thank you

It has been a rewarding and enjoyable year having all of you for Design this year. Thanks for putting your trust in me, with your learning. I look forward to seeing you all in 2019. Have a wonderful break from here.



Monday 15 October 2018

WD Wet Area Elevations

Here are the scribbles regarding the wet area drawings.
Also refer to the WD Checklist.
I'll look for some better examples.

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Thursday 6 September 2018

Friday 17 August 2018


BD2A:MP02 Missing some due to incorrect format or late. Will eventually update.

Tuesday 14 August 2018

ESD Lecture Postponed

Due to the Design Presentation on Thursday 16th Aug.
There will be no ESD lecture that morning.
Please Note: The Following ESD lecture (23rd) will have the client for the next design project in attendance to answer any questions arising from the presentation.
Groups 2A & 2B will begin presentations @12:00pm

Monday 13 August 2018

Design Presentations...

The design presentations for both groups will start at 12:00pm.

Tuesday 24 July 2018

mea culpa

A big apology for all students that have been emailing me, and wondering why I haven't been replying...
I did not realise that gmail had been filtering all student emails directly out of my inbox into a unique folder.
All emails will now be checked each day.
If this has caused any consternation, I am truly sorry.

Thursday 12 July 2018

Design 2

This class is timetabled for a 3:00pm start.
All of us arrive on Thursday for an 8:30am lecture, so there is no reason for arriving late.
You must bring suitable equipment to class. from this point onwards
that includes a laptop with at least Sketchup and Autocad.
If you can do get here on time don't bother.
(yeah I'm pissed off!)

Tuesday 12 June 2018

Tuesday 8 May 2018

Section Detail

Done as much of this side as I plan on doing.
Next Stop Grandstand Seating....

Friday 13 April 2018


Slides posted here.
more to come

Tuesday 20 March 2018

Better than a HD its the 2018 tipping comp!

Here is your chance to contribute to something bigger.
the 2018 RMIT BD Football tipping comp.
Go Pies!

...more of this to come!

ESD MP01 Clarification

Breathe easy people.
There were some misleading dates as to the submission for the ESD Wall Assessment.
It is due May 3rd.
winter is coming.

Monday 19 March 2018


1. Structural solution

2. Water

3. Cladding

4. Services

WD Checklist

The WD Checklist is on Canvas.
But also included here.

Friday 16 March 2018

Push is on.

3D to 2D
To summarise latest class.
Use Virginia Macleod's books as a style guide benchmark.
Also take a look at Andrew Watts' book, Modern Construction Envelopes, if you are concerned your design imagination has gotten ahead of your ideas to build or document it.
...and to those brave students who took the plunge to move their autocad backgrounds from black to white, well done.
"you've taken your 
first step in a larger world".

Thursday 8 March 2018

Previous examples

Reverse Engineering an outcome from where we are at, this is what I had in mind...
1. Model Photographed.
2. Photoshop Filters + Trees + Entourage
3. Design Response
4. Autocad Plan Drawings.
Next week we begin autocad, functional planning....
Other presentations will be discussed, such as this one
While this presentation is computer based, the underpinning ideas are powerful. The graphic presentation is primarily about underpinning a strong conceptual position.
This is a conceit, that is taking an existing form supplanting it to a foreign site. This is architecture as weed. A point grid of global data, a global neural net.

Monday 5 March 2018

Roof Plan Stuff

Imagine you are viewing the roof suspended from a crane or hot air balloon, you do not have xray vision. 
Will add to this as necessary.
Roof Plan
Also take a look at the WD checklist.
Refer to:
A.S. 3500.3 for S.W Design
A.S. 1685? for ladders
A.S. ?  Fall Arrestors

Thursday 1 March 2018

Design Photos

Roof plan aerial view

Elevational study

Photoshop test 1
Etc... Repeat.
Also start considering the autocad plan graphics that come from these form studies. This project is as much about the planning requirements as it is about the aesthetic qualities.
Keep in mind the drawing style from Virginia Mcleod.
also have a look at the works of Alex Hogrefe.
Then dump into autocad and draw better than this, (please).

of course, remembering that this image in turn will be also added in photoshop to the original image, also textures will be added in turn to this graphic, and so on. It's about multiple exposure to create a sense of design ambiguity. Which we will talk about in other studio and posts.

Tuesday 27 February 2018

Still peeved.

I've been giving this further thought, but can not reconcile the engineers panel and framing drawings with the architectural axonometric.
Axo, is clearly erroneous, so will go by engineer's.
Attached is some more scribbles. Welcome thoughts on this.

Monday 5 February 2018

Welcome to 2018

Greetings group WD2B.
Yes it was all to fast.
But dont panic (yet).