Thursday 28 May 2015

Simple Images Convey clear information

Plan Geometry Breakdown
Concept/ Design Process

Remember: Design is about the idea. Don't let the tools limit your creativity.
The final image is an amalgam of software.

Monday 25 May 2015

Preliminary Design Submission.

This is an outline of what is required for this Thursday's presentation.
It is indicative only, and should not be considered a checklist.
  • Bio/ front page
    • (2A Dark Grey/ 2C Dark Red)
    • Photo
    • Your narrative +5 years
    • Project Design Response, Architecture (Learning) Building
  • Plans
  • Sections 
  • Elevations
  • 3D views
  • Location Drawing
  • Site Analysis
  • Materials Selection
  • BCA checks
    • Distance of paths of travel to exits.
  • Presentation: A5 Portrait colour physical print.
    • Bring blu-tac or magnets for pin up!
  • PDF presentation in class. (Save the file as a "reduced pdf" )
Remember CONTEXT, design projects are always grounded by the existing conditions. Isolated projects/ graphics are less convincing. The presentation should not be like a WD and you need to balance the limits of the generating software, with some sense of ambiguity.

The project is about conveying a design concept. (also google architectural diagrams for style cues.)
Earlier student examples are on my issuu site

The design project makes manifest a range of other subjects, (courses) within the program.

  • Construction: Structure
  • Codes and Standards
  • Materials
  • ESD
While there is not explicit reference to these subjects, their information is inherent in the design process.

Monday 11 May 2015

WD -the aftermath

Just like the hitch hikers guide.... the first rule is 'dont panic'.
To those students that received a 'NN' grade most were in the 4.5 to 4.8 range.
Students with NN results lower than that were essentially for incomplete submissions.
The highest mark was a 9 the average mark was a 5.6.
Without getting all techie/ mathematical statistical; the range looked only a little skewed toward the NN side, but this was also due to several non-submissions of the project.

(20% is a hill of...beans)
It is only weighted 20%, so it is not game over by a long shot.
Revit levels the playing field, and homogenises the output a little, so it is less likely to cause data errors (missing elements).

So complete the model in 3D as much as you can, then move into 2D line work. This project is not due in until 2nd semester, so there is oodles of time to learn the program.
(the focus of your time at the moment should be DESIGN!)

Friday 8 May 2015

Design Week 3

  1. Continue work on modifications of room space arrangements. (paper), as per feedback/ discussion from studio. (from some of the illogical positioning of spaces on plan, there appeared little evidence of bubble diagram combinations being tested).
  2. Put plans into Revit. Excluding external walls.
    1. Levels 7,8 and 9 to be added to your block/ building 94 model.
  3. Print out the 4 elevation views of the model.
  4. Print out 1 or 2 axonometric views of the model.
    1. The axonometric view, is to get a sense of the massing of the building, to get a sense of the voids and circulation you are planning.
  5. Overlay paper on print outs.
    1. Draw / develop some elevational studies with a focus on massing, composition and materials. For presentation, next studio.
This is a famous image by the Swiss/ French Architect Le Corbusier; 'Dom-ino' (Domus Innovation) (1914) Imagine tracing an exterior shape, building, form over this image. That is what you will be doing with your Revit model.

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Minor Delays Expected

Sorry WD 2A.
I have 3A going a little nuts at the moment, wondering about their grades... so I'm try to put them all out of their misery.
Your grief and/ or elation over the WD marks should be up on Bb, today or tomorrow at the latest.